What happens when you park the new, not yet launched, Opel ADAM in central Copenhagen on a dark evening – and make it come to life? We tried and ended up giving unsuspecting bar guests and people passing by something they had not seen coming. Opel ADAM is the most individual city car in the world, with more than 60.000 exterior and 80.000 interior combinations.
Advertising Agency: UncleGrey, Copenhagen, Denmark
Art Director: Jon Goldtsche
Copywriter: Jesper Jørgen Hansen
Chief Of Operations: Carsten Bülow
Account Manager: Ingeborg Balle-Petersen
Creative Technologist: Karsten Kirkegaard
VJ: Thomas Romlöv
Director: Emil Kahr
Producer: Niels Kau
Photographer: Simon Mouridsen
Music: Ole Brodersen – Kay&Ndustry